Civil Law
The Firm provides legal assistance and support to their client’s specific needs in civil law, contractual, corporate, commercial and fiscal aspects in which client investment and activity is to be generated, be it in Australia, Italy and/or China.
The areas of practice in civil law are: family law, succession law and testament, power of attorney, claims and personal injury, employment law, real estate law and tax, commercial and corporate law (contracts), civil and commercial litigation and arbitration and investment advice.
Family Law
Assistance in case of separation and divorce, contract drafting pre-and post-nuptial, separation and custody issues. Professionals are able to deal with situations that involve international marital disputes which require the interaction of different legal systems and jurisdictions.
Succession Law and Testamentary Litigation
Consideration is given to all issues that arise following the death of a person and the transfer and transmission of assets of the deceased to the legal heirs including the assessment of testamentary requirements pertaining to the legislation of the particular country that is involved with the deceased.
Powers of Attorney
According to the particular needs of the client, a Power of Attorney is a legal document made by one person called the “Principal” that allows another person to do things with the Principal’s money, bank accounts, shares, real estate and other assets. We also provide for the creation of “Enduring Power of Attorney” where, unlike a General Power of Attorney, it is one that continues to operate after the Principal has lost mental capacity in whatever form. We also assist clients by providing lifestyle documents known as “Enduring Guardianship”.
Personal Injury
Our expertise in this field allows us to assist clients who have suffered injury as a result of an accident in the workplace, or have fallen victim to a public liability claim as a result of no fault of their own. It covers the field of accidents at work, road accidents and other personal injury claims.
Labour Law
The experience in various aspects of labour law, provides assistance to clients in the negotiation and drafting of different employment contracts and can also involve the management of disputes arising from termination of employment.